"; echo "    Jersey Conservative is currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Please visit again shortly."; die; } $ID=JCHeader(true); /* Writer's Admin ID returned, Robot Views OK */ ?> 0) { for ($x=0;$x/i','',$Text); if ($x>0 && strlen($TextWithoutCodes)>$MaxEntrySize) /* Keep all but latest individual entries on main page to certain maximum length */ { $CutText=substr($Text,0,$MaxEntrySize); $CutTextWithoutCodes=preg_replace('/\<.*?\>/i','',$CutText); $AdvancePoint=$MaxEntrySize; while (strlen($CutTextWithoutCodes)<$MaxEntrySize) { $CutText.=substr($Text,$AdvancePoint,$MaxEntrySize-strlen($CutTextWithoutCodes)); $AdvancePoint+=$MaxEntrySize-strlen($CutTextWithoutCodes); $CutTextWithoutCodes=preg_replace('/\<.*?\>/i','',$CutText); } $Text=$CutText; $Text=substr($Text,0,strrpos($Text,"" catches errant Microsoft coding */ if (substr($Text,-6)=="") /* If block quote ends the cut text, "Click here" should fall right under it */ {$Text=substr($Text,0,strlen($Text)-6);} $LastIndent=substr($Text,strrpos($Text,"indentboth")); /* If in block quote, get out of indenting before "Click here ..." */ if (strlen($LastIndent)==strlen($Text) || substr_count($LastIndent,"")>=1) {$Text.="

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